Grids: Make services never go down.

Developing off grid isn't real, so you must be on as MANY grids as possible. Grids will provide a fast and cost-effective way to utilize numerous services without becoming overly dependent on any one of them.

Join waitlist!


Cost effective

Using multiple services provides extra free plan resources, making it particularly beneficial for startups. Starting a business without initial costs is a favorable approach that every entrepreneur should consider.

Never go down

Grids operate as a serverless solution. Each request functions independently from others. In the event of an attempted attack, it would go unnoticed due to the isolation. Moreover, even if a cloud platform experiences downtime, we have backup deployments on alternative platforms.

All over the globe

Like I mentioned earlier, we're using a serverless setup, which means our API is spread out all over the world. Whenever you make a request, it'll automatically go to the closest server, giving you the quickest responses.


We go for technologies that are fast to use and easy to develop with. This means you experience speed when you call our API, and we're able to quickly address any bugs or add new features.

How it works?

Join the Waitlist

By signing up to our waitlist, you will be first in line to know when we launch and getting early access.


Pricing plans are experimental and may change over time.


Ideal to start with during development.

  • Up to 100 requests/day
  • Up to 2 services integration
  • Community support


Exactly for You. Pay as you go without concerns.

1$ per 5000 requests/mo
  • Unlimited requests/day
  • Unlimited services integration
  • Email support


For enterprise companies or potential partners.

Let's talk!
  • Unlimited requests/day
  • Unlimited services integration
  • Personal call/text support